Power users hub/pt-br

Este é o local ideal para você, se for um usuário experiente e deseja aprender mais sobre como personalizar e expandir o FreeCAD.

O FreeCAD é extensível por meio de código Python que é executado diretamente no console Python, ou carregado a partir de módulos na inicialização. Isso significa que você pode modificar o FreeCAD sem precisar recompilar o programa. Por exemplo, você pode:

Se você gostaria de contribuir com conteúdo para essas páginas, solicite uma conta na wiki com permissões de editor [aqui no fórum](https://forum.freecadweb.org/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=6830) e leia as Páginas da Wiki para as diretrizes gerais que você deve seguir. Para outras formas de contribuir com o projeto, veja a página Ajuda FreeCAD.

Customizando o FreeCAD

Programação em FreeCAD



The functionality of FreeCAD is separated in Modules which deal with special data types and applications. FreeCAD has built-in modules and Extension Modules (plug-ins). Once plugin modules are installed, they become availible to you as easily as the built-in modules. The modules described below are the default modules, includeed in every FreeCAD installation.

Working with Meshes

Working with Parts

Accessing the Coin scenegraph

Controlling the Qt interface

Working with parametric objects


API Functions

The complete API documentation of FreeCAD is located at http://www.freecadweb.org/api/ . It contains both C++ and Python APIs, and is not totally well formatted yet, which can be confusing when looking for python-only code. An easier to browse version can be found here. Note that it can be incomplete, since it is updated manually. For more accurate information, browse the modules directly from FreeCAD's Python console.

Related: Exposing C++ to Python

Advanced modification

Python tutorials

These are good generic tutorials, not specific to FreeCAD, that might interest you if you are totally new to python.


PySide - How to create and manage FreeCAD's Qt UI interface from python

The following two references are PyQt specific (not PySide) but may offer some information of use:

Pivy - How to interact with FreeCAD's 3D scenes

Community projects

On the Community portal, you can find other FreeCAD-based projects run by the FreeCAD users community. If you are starting a new FreeCAD project, be sure to list it there! We also have a page with things you can do if you would like to Help FreeCAD.